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We started working together in 2016 in Turku Arts Academy, where we have both graduated from. In spring 2019 we visited Moscow State School of Circus and Variety Arts for three months of intensive training.

Over the years we have performed with our self-directed acts, and have been part of many directed projects. We believe that working with various directors
, circus companies and different styles has helped us appreciate the many artistic possibilities of circus.


We are open to new experiences, and we eagerly look forward to future projects. We work hard to develop both our technique and creative outlook further, and we're aiming to continue performing in diverse surroundings. We are especially interested in combining various art forms and themes as well as different environments with our creative work.


Ira Oinonen

Ira grew up with artistic gymnastics and specializing in music studies. She found her love for performing and got into circus after getting fascinated with the idea of being able to combine physicality of the body with artistic elements.

Ira is a total music fangirl and will talk about her favourite bands for hours if she gets the chance. Some of her hobbies include listening to music, playing instruments, singing, collecting records, going to concerts...


Jere Virta

Jere is a character animator by profession. After about five years of professional grinding in front of the computer screen he realised it’s time for a change. Following his instincts Jere stumbled back into his childhood world of performing live. Circus, combining both artistic possibilities and never-ending physical and cognitive demands, emerged as an irresistible option. Jere jumped in, and hasn’t looked back since.

Aside from circus work, Jere enjoys walking in nature and playing video games. Being quite curious, he also usually has many smaller projects going on, such as working on some circus-related poster, coaching his dear mom doing calisthenics, or trying to understand his old motorcycle a bit better.

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